
Gestalt Therapy - A podcast about living here and now

Episode 1 - Long Term Expat

Living as an expat abroad, away from your family and friends and creating this whole new life in another country with another culture is usually inspiring at the beginning and as time goes by also challenging.

In this episode I talk about Hugo who is made up of a lot of my clients but is also part of me as I too am an expat living for more then 25 years outside of my native country Denmark.

What happens when Hugo goes back to his home country, how does he feel when he just arrives. How can he fit in again with his family and friends, whose lives have continued without him? What makes it hard to leave his country and his family again and when he arrives “home”, he questions where is “home” really.

Gestalt Therapy has helped Hugo find a new awareness, how to make sense of this expat life by looking at it from a different angle.

I end this episode with a quote from Frederick S. Perls, the father of Gestalt Therapy;

“Nobody can stand the truth if it is told to him. Truth can be tolerated only if you discover it yourself, because then the pride of discovery makes the truth agreeable.” 

More information on Frederick S. Perls: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Perls

Music courtesy of TrackTribe - Longer Distance

You can find all the needed details for contacting me to make an appointment or to get more information on this website


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You can find all the needed details for contacting me to make an appointment or get more information about my praxis on this website

Just a quick disclaimer:

All case-stories are anonymised and no clients directly quoted without prior written consent.

And remember any information you hear on this podcast, see on the willegestalt website, facebook page or Instagram is for information purposes only and should never be a substitute for actual mental and/or medical advice from a doctor, psychiatrist or any other health professional.